Episode 05: The Reason The Law Of Attraction Works
Welcome to my podcast, asking the question, if not now, when? This is Cindie Brown and thank you for joining me today. For more information, visit me at www.ifnotnowwhen.best.
Have you sat at a stop light feeling someone is looking at you? You look at the car next to you and the persons staring at you and you kind of awkwardly look away. Or visa a versa. You know I've even, as crazy as it sounds, I even tried an experiment doing that on purpose look at somebody and inevitable they look over. Like, what is that? Or, you know you think of somebody and the phone rings or you get a text from them no matter how far away they are. Or at a concert and felt the positive energy or at a prayer session or a meditation session and felt an energy in the room. Ever wondered watching a flock of birds flying in formation and in a split second they change direction maintaining exact formation? Why are outcomes better for patients in the hospitals where there are people in the waiting for them in the room waiting? Why does the placebo effect exist? Being aware of this and questioning it was my first step in trying to understand the reason and the energy field that makes all this happen.
The "Law of Attraction", "like attracts like". "You can attract what you want in your life". I think many of us became aware of this concept from the wildly popular book and movie, The Secret. The other popular series of books on this topic that I've listened to are the Abraham Hicks publications. "You can attract whatever you want into your life". After listening to these books, I was skeptical. I'm the type of person that needs to understand how it works. Like a magic trick, there's something behind it and I figured that was the case with this as well.
You may remember, in a previous episode I talked about reading about the brain and then after a while you can't help but read about the mind and how I love the topic of cellular biology? Well, I didn't set out to figure out why the Law of Attraction works but with all of my listening on these topics, I started putting puzzle pieces together and ended up explaining why the Law of Attraction works. In this journey, I learned and continue to learn how our thoughts impact us from an atomic and cellular level and how we are all interconnected. I have come to believe there is a universal energy.
Let's start with thoughts and our cells:
So, when I first started reading about this, it was in the context of how to feel better by reducing stress, which I needed to figure out. As I listened the more I learned about how our thoughts control our body's physiology. Examples of a physical manifestation of a thought are; you're embarrassed and your face turns red or you think a sad thought and you get a lump in your throat and tears come to your eyes. So, our thoughts create a cascade of hormones triggering all these reactions in our body. So then it got me thinking about how on earth I can control my thoughts. Because I want to be healthy and I want to feel good. Thoughts can mess up your day and they can also mess up your overall health. This relates to my second pillar of good health, "Feed your body good thoughts".
One of the books I listened to that helped me understand this at a cellular level was a book written by cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, called The Biology of Belief. He writes, "Because the fate of the cell is controlled by the conditions of the environment. The blood composition is really the factor that controls the genetic response of the cell. So the brain is the chemist." Love that. "The chemistry put into the blood by the brain is a direct complement to the picture we hold in our mind. In other words, the mind’s image is translated by the brain into chemistry, which then goes to the body to create a physical complement to the image in our mind." Buddha, 2500 years ago also explained this in much simpler terms: “What we believe, we become."
Dr. Lipton then gives an example: "If you are sitting there with your eyes closed and you open your eyes and see someone you love, your mind holds a picture of love. A picture of love in the mind is translated by the brain into very specific chemistry. In a state of love, the brain releases dopamine for pleasure into the blood. The brain releases oxytocin into the blood, which is a chemical that helps us bind to the source of love we're experiencing. The experience of love also releases another chemical into the growth medium—into the blood—called vasopressin. It helps us become more attractive so that our partner sticks with us even more." I wonderful if they sell that in a bottle. Anyway, "Another very important factor released by our brain while perceiving love is growth hormone. It influences our growth. So, the perception of love introduces such elements as dopamine, oxytocin, vasopressin, and growth hormone, all of which are chemicals that enhance the vitality and health of our 50 trillion cells. In a state of love, the chemicals released result in health and harmony and a glowing body. People say, “Oh, look, you can see how in love they are. See how they glow.” That is a chemical expression of the culture medium, affecting the vitality of the cells."
OK, that's great, so my thoughts trigger a chemical reaction in my body. But that still doesn't completely explain why the law of attraction works.
So next I read, "You will attract to you whatever you are in harmonious vibration with." That sounded pretty airy fairy.
So, then reading about Atoms, each part of the atom has an associated charge. Protons carrying positive charges, electrons having negative charges and neutrons posing no net charge. These negatively charged electrons balance the positively charged protons. I learned there is a thing called the electron cloud. This I found fascinating and really was kind of this turning point, kind of connecting the dots regarding thoughts and universal energy. In any case, this electron cloud or this huge space, I heard it explained that the space between the moving electrons from the nucleus in scale is like a peanut in the middle of a football field and the electrons bouncing around it from the edges of the football field. So that huge space is pure energy or in other words vibration. So, electrons in higher energetic atomic states vibrate more quickly just like sound at a higher or lower sound frequency. Because an electron is a quantum object with sound wave properties, it must always be vibrating at some frequency. It is all energy at different rates of vibration. Human beings are a vibrating station and vibrate at different frequencies. Understanding the signaling from our brain cells to the body which triggers a message and a vibration.
"Sound is pressure waves caused when something vibrating. Sound frequency is measured in the number of sound vibrations in one second and measured in hertz or cycles per second. Humans can hear frequencies as low as 20 hz and as high as 20,000 hz. Sounds/vibrations exist that we can't hear that are below and above that. Sound travels at 343 meters per second in air but in water it travels at 1,484 meters per second." This got me thinking, if we're 70% water, vibrations pass through us about 4 times faster than in the outside world. So the significance of that I am not quite sure but, is it that we are better conductors of vibration and sound because it goes so much faster in water inside our bodies? I'm not sure, but I found it very interesting and especially when they say we are just this walking conductor of vibration. You know, if I could, I'd put that thinking emoji right here, saying, hummm?
Dr. Masaru Emoto in the book, The Hidden Messages in Water. He talks about vibration explaining the entire universe is in the state of vibration and each thing generates it's own frequency. When I read this, I thought of the electron cloud and the huge vibrating energy field. He explains, there is a universal energy field that connects all of life. You know, Albert Einstein wrote: "We are slowed sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned to the cosmoses."
Dr. Kulreet Chaudnary, MD wrote in her book Sound Medicine, How to use The Ancient Science of Sound to Heal the Body and Mind. She explains, resonance occurs when one object vibrates at the same natural frequency as a second object thus forcing the second object to begin to vibrate. She gives the example, when one C tuning fork is struck and placed next to another C tuning fork, the second one will begin to vibrate at the same frequency as the first. In doing so the sound wave from the first tuning fork has imparted some of it's energy to the second one. This is also the metaphorical notion behind two people resonating with each other.
Love this one, Bob Proctor writes: "We have evolved to be big sound conductors. Our skin, bones, ears as well as the water that makes up a large part of our body all picking up sound waves. In fact, recent research even shows that we pick up both audible and inaudible sound all the way down to a cellular level. You know there was a 2015 a study was published by biomedical engineering researchers from Columbia University building on the ground breaking discovery that antenna like structures containing an array of proteins on our cell membranes called primary cilium receive and respond to vibrational energy fields such as sound, light and radio frequencies. Primary cilia quiver like a tuning fork and if a vibration in the environment resonates with the receptors antenna it alters the proteins charges causing the cell to change shape".
One of the tenants of Ayurvedic Medicine described by Dr. Chaudnary is: "Every organ every bone and every cell in the body has its own resonant frequency. Together they make up a composite frequency for the body as if they were each playing an instrument that together formed an orchestra. When one organ is out of tune it affects the whole body. The goal then, in sound therapy is to use audible vibrations to bring the body back into harmony and achieve what we call its prime resonance."
Another great example she gives of resonance is "when two pendulum clocks are next to each other they often become synchronized. When the pendulum of each clock swings it transfers a small amount of energy to the other clock. When out of phase, the waves of energy from each clock collide and produce negative feedback in order to assume a more stable relationship. The amount of energy gradually equalizes with the object of a greater frequency slowing down and the other speeding up. This is called the law of entrainment."
You know, another great book that helps, all of these puzzle pieces you know visually when you put a jigsaw puzzle together you kind of start with the frame then you get pieces that fill in the blanks in the middle as you go and as I am reading these things it's just this whole jigsaw puzzle putting it together. And this certainly was a pivotal piece. It's probably one of the corner pieces. But, it was a book by David Hawkins, MD, PhD called Power vs Force, The hidden determinants of Human Behavior. So in his book through years of research he quantifies human vibration with love and gratitude at the highest levels of vibration. Hate, anger, jealousy, greed all vibrating at lower levels . An example he gives as it relates to power and force is Mahatma Gandi who's intentions vibrate at a high level of love and compassion and the British army vibrating at a very low level with very different emotions, those of greed. Gandi was powerful and the British army was forceful. This is an example of the importance of vibration coming from intention. Dr. Hawkins and his team also explored kinesiology and the body's strength and response to different positive and negative emotions. This study had been done over 25 years.
Another universal truth - Sir Isaac Newton: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Theologians would say, treat others the way you want to be treated. This universal truth is consistence with vibration resonance and it's something I chose to live my life by. And it might be that I am selfish because I want to control my environment but I keep love, knowing that it vibrates at a very high frequency, as the basis for all my intentions, decisions and how I treat all that I encounter. And this way, you can call me a control freak maybe but this way I control my environment and how I experience the world. Because of equal and opposite reaction, the law of vibration is one of the basic laws of the universe. It proves that everything moves, nothing rests. Like the atom, it is constantly vibrating. So by choosing to navigate through the world this way, I somewhat control my environment because not only is it courtesy l guess I would say where if I'm kind to others they are naturally going to be kind to me but I think it is more than that. I think it is also a physical thing. There is that vibration and people feel that.
Another universal truth is energy is never created or destroyed, it just transmutes itself. So, it becomes a higher or lower frequency. So an example of moving a low vibrating level of fear, we can move that to a high vibrating level of enthusiasm. Btw, Eckard Tolley, in his book A New Earth talks about enthusiasm and how it vibrates at a high frequency. So if I'm feeling worried or fearful, I don't ignore that emotion but I acknowledge it. But then I kind of peal it back to clearly understand what is it I'm afraid of or what is it that is making me feel this sense of worry. And as crazy as it sounds but then I choose to see the situation in a different light seeing the opportunity moving to excitement and then enthusiasm. It is a conscious effort but it serves me that way. If I do that then I am in control if I'm in fear, it controls me and I am not able to think that well. In a state of fear and worry, this is a physical thing but again it triggers those fight and flight hormones which then we're not thinking as clearly. And I am sure we all have had that where we are nervous and upset and we just can't seem to find the answer but if we go take a run or if we are taking a shower or we are in a different state of mind, we're calmer and the answer comes to us. So when I'm not in a state of fear and turn that energy to a higher vibration, not only do I feel better, by body is out of stress mode and I can be creative, innovative, resourceful, spontaneous and goodness happens. That doesn't happen I'm in a lower vibrational state. And here is a current example. I'm on furlough. I'm not sure when and even if I will go back to work. Of course getting that news was scary. I'm a single mom, younger son in college. So first I did all the work around finances shedding all the unnecessary expenses and made all the financial arrangements possible to relieve that financial stress. Then I chose to look at this time as a gift and never say I'm trapped in my house without a job but rather I get to stay home and create because I have no other obligations to interrupt my creative thought. Words matter in the way we describe things and think about things. So when worrisome thoughts pop up in my mind, I try and catch myself before I go too far down that hallway and put that mini van of thought into reverse. Quoting Michael Beckwith, who I absolutely love, "Worry is emotionally rehearsing the very things you don't want to experience." And you know in our minds, you have heard this over and over but our minds most of the time can't tell the difference if it's really happening or we're just thinking about it. That emotional reaction happens each time we think about it. Then going back to Bruce Lipton's "the chemist"…or our brain releases chemicals creating a negative mental state triggering a physical reaction and vibration. And here's the thing, what your fearful about may or may not happen or weather you worry or not, isn't going to change the situation. All you can do is change your thought about the situation creating a high frequency vibration that will serve you. Change your self talk to, "I'm going to be okay, this situation is going to be ok, I'm going to do this, I'm going to get through this, actually I'm going to grow from this. One of my favorite expressions that I had mentioned was, "some of the best gifts in life are wrapped in sand paper" so right now it's sand paper knowing that I'm going to come out a lot stronger on the other end which is again energizing and positive. You can say, "I am going to become a better individual because of this." Those are all empowering thoughts. You know as I have said before, during my morning ritual I start by reading positive affirmations filling my body and giving energy to what I want not what I don't want.
Also, just as a side note, this is were my five pillars of good heath being interconnected is so relevant. Feeding your mind good thoughts is important but what also helps is making sure that you exercise that reduces stress eating good food. If you are not eating good food that's not going to make you feel good, human connection, good sleep all of those things work so well in concert to help you with you mental state.
So when I put the pieces together, all these things I learned, our thoughts trigger chemical reactions in our body, and that with the electron cloud we're just all one big energy field and that energy behaves like sound waves vibrating at high and low frequencies and at frequencies we can't even hear and how Ayurvedic medicine uses vibration to bring our body in harmony, and many religious and spiritual traditions singing and chanting creating resonance all made sense to me. You layer that with life's synchronicities, coincidences, feeling the good and bad "vibes" of people all helped me confirm in my mind that this law of attraction or law of vibration is real.
With this evidence, I have come to believe the vibration you are in is what you will attract onto your life, like entrainment that Dr. Chaudnary described. There are laws that govern our being and our universe and being in harmony with the laws of nature has created a natural flow in my life and the direction I point my attention and visualize has become a reality. Of course not without doing the work. Anything you want will come to you when you get into harmony with it. Ways to do that are visualization. During my morning meditation practice I give focused thought to what I want visualizing and feeling as thought it is already happening. "Though is invitation".
You know when you're feeling happy or sad or enthusiastic and that your vibration is at a high or low frequency, people and nature will react the same way to be in resonance with you. When someone says, I feel good being around you, you have taken your energy and thoughts and changed their state of mind creating a new chemical reaction in their body from the "chemist", our brain, as Bruce Lipton describes. It could also happen that if you're feeling great and happy and vibrating at a high level and in that state you come across someone who is in a low vibration. You probably won't feel good in their presence. Or your vibration will then be congruent with theirs. If you're both in a negative state, then you will be in resonance and the saying "misery loves company" is probably pretty relevant there because you're both in the same frequency. You probably have experienced this but you are in a room, everyone's happy and laughing and having a good time and somebody walks in who's angry you don't have to say anything you just feel the vibration. You know we use the expression, "he's got bad vibes". It's a thing. It's real and you feel that. So circling back, because we try to naturally be congruent with our surrounds, that can impact us or we can choose to change that energy by how we respond . There's a book, Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel and a light bulb went on when I read this. He says, from the time you receive that message and before we respond we can choose to respond or react. And it's in that split second that makes a difference in the outcome of that interaction. So in that moment you can move that person's energy to yours by responding if your energy is positive they will then have a more positive reaction. But if you react and you are in the same space assuming it's there're negative, then you will be in their space and the whole energy of the conversation will be negative. And as we have learned from Biology of Belief, negative energy in our body is not a good thing. It's not health, long term . Another thing to be aware of is, when faced with circumstances, it truly is the meaning we give to those circumstances that makes a difference. When we can assign a meaning that serves us, it's truly liberating
You know I think a lot of what we are talking about we already know. We are aware of these things innately but to put them in the context of science has certainly brought clarity and my understanding to this whole subject. Now that I have done this, my reaction is always aww, I get it and there is a reason for it and then the really good news is when I understand how it works my level of believe is greater, I don't doubt it and I'm able to manifest things in my life because there is no doubt know it's "a thing".
You know, it could be, throughout the years in reading all of this putting this puzzle together and getting the corner pieces together and getting the frame, as I read things putting more and more pieces together to paint this picture of this Law of Attraction, it could very well be that it's confirmation bias. It could be I want to believe this so all the evidence brought me to this conclusion rather than it being an objective truth. I know there is a jump from a thought vibrating and someone else feeling it or putting that vibration out to the universe and attracting to me the thought I put out there. But what I have seen and experienced and the understanding there are sound waves out there impacting our bodies that we can't even hear and that energy behaves like sound waves with the electron cloud being pure energy and making up most of the universe with everything vibrating. I've come to the conclusion I can make the Law of Attraction work for me. Weather it's real or not, it's real in my world.
I hope this information gives you a moment of pause to see the unlimited possibility in your life. That it provides some tools for you when you are faced with stressful situation and that it helps you bring into you life what you want and lead the life you want to live.
"When you change the way you think, the world around you changes."
Thank you so much for joining me today. Wishing you peace, joy and love. Good bye for now.
The Secret https://www.thesecret.tv/
Abraham Hicks Publications https://www.abraham-hicks.com/
Dr. Bruce Lipton, MD The Biology of Belief https://www.brucelipton.com/books/biology-of-belief and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6438088/
Masaru Emoto, Hidden Messages of Water https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Hidden-Messages-in-Water/Masaru-Emoto/9780743289801
Measuring Sound https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/573-measuring-sound
David Hawkins, MD, PhD called Power vs Force, The hidden determinates of Human Behavior https://www.analogue.app/book/power-vs-force-hjvusj?u=nipseyhussle
https://drkulreetchaudhary.com/ Sound Medicine, How to use the ancient science of sound to heal the body and mind by Kulreet Chaudhary, MD
Eckard Tolley, in his book A New Earth