I share my life journey, as a single working mother and cancer survivor, in candid and compassionate discussions. My message of health, hope, and well-being will inspire and resonate with anyone who is exploring their own life journey.
Traffic is part of my DNA. I was born and raised in Southern California and long commutes, together with my passion for nutrition, cognition, biology and the mind-body connection led me to audio books. I’m an avid listener, and with family members diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Autism I’ve pored over everything I could find on the brain. Reading about the brain opened up a whole world of understanding the relationships between our thoughts and our bodies, on a cellular, molecular, and atomic level.
I’ve been an executive at a Fortune 500 company for nearly four decades, at times I was the lone female in a male-dominated office. During my tenure, I married, divorced, survived cancer, and raised two sons. As I move into the second half of life, the concept of living a life that matters has never mattered more. And part of living a meaningful life is sharing one’s life lessons with others. It’s not only what I’ve learned but what I share that will matter.
The purpose of this podcast is to share my toolbox of life coping strategies. These strategies that have taken a lifetime to learn and to put into action, and have culminated into feelings of peace, fulfillment, and an overabundant sense of joy and love in my life.
The challenging circumstances we face make us stronger. Had I not faced all of these life challenges I would not have the strength and drive to find ways to self-heal and to share that knowledge and experience with you. Sharing one’s experiences to help others is profound, it’s living a life that matters. If Not Now…When?”